Stop Focusing on Goals: Why Systems Lead to Writing Productivity

Stop Focusing on Goals: Why Systems Lead to Writing Productivity

The secret to productivity isn't your goals – it's your systems. Here's how to figure out what systems to develop, and how to set goals that take care of themselves.

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Adjectives That Start With L: List of 400 Words to Describe Someone

Adjectives That Start With L: List of 400 Words to Describe Someone

Here’s a list of over 400 descriptive adjectives that start with L that you can use in your writing.

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I Hope This Email Finds You Well: 8 Best Alternatives to Use

I Hope This Email Finds You Well: 8 Best Alternatives to Use

In this article, we’ll show you more authentic alternatives to “I hope this email finds you well,” and discuss when and how you can use them in a professional email.

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How to Use ProWritingAid's Thesaurus Check

How to Use ProWritingAid's Thesaurus Check

Most writers have been stuck for a word at some point. When you’re writing your first draft, a great piece of advice is to keep writing and think about the perfect word later. When "later" comes, it’s helpful to have a thesaurus on hand. With ProWritingAid, you can put the heavy, leather-bound volumes back on the shelf and find relevant synonyms right in our editor.

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20 Fantasy Prompts to Get You Started Writing

20 Fantasy Prompts to Get You Started Writing

Writing fantasy but stuck for ideas? Use these 20 creative prompts to kickstart your next masterpiece and learn a simple trick to generate hundreds of new ideas.

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The Best Synonyms for Assist

The Best Synonyms for Assist

You can offer to assist or offer to provide an assist. You can make those same offers using a variety of synonyms for the verb and noun forms of the word assist.

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Does Micro Journaling Improve Your Creativity and Productivity?

Does Micro Journaling Improve Your Creativity and Productivity?

Maybe the key to unlimited creativity and skyrocketing productivity is as simple as opening a notebook or journaling app...

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Inspiration for Crime Writers: From Lee Child to Ann Cleeves

Inspiration for Crime Writers: From Lee Child to Ann Cleeves

Crime writers can seem like writing gods, but the quotes in this article might help them seem a little more human—and prove that if they can do it, you can do it too!

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The Hill We Climb: Amanda Gorman's Writing Journey

The Hill We Climb: Amanda Gorman's Writing Journey

Amanda Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history, arguably stole the show with her poise, professionalism, and flawless performance of her original piece, “The Hill We Climb.” Join us as we follow Amanda Gorman’s journey.

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How to be More Productive as a Writer

How to be More Productive as a Writer

It doesn’t matter if you’re the most prolific writer in the world, distractions and writer’s block can get the best of all of us at some point or another. In this article, we cover the best productivity boosting apps out there.

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7 Ways to Breathe Life into a Tired Writing Topic

7 Ways to Breathe Life into a Tired Writing Topic

Bored of blogging? Fed up of churning out the same topics every week? We've got 7 ideas to help reinvigorate your stale blog posts.

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5-Step Plan for Handling Burnout

5-Step Plan for Handling Burnout

Writing burnout is real, and it can be devastating to your productivity (and your life). Learn the signs, understand why it happens, and figure out a plan to beat burnout before it takes over completely.

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Build Your Logline: A Formula for Success

Build Your Logline: A Formula for Success

The logline is not your story; but it is the narrative essence of your story that conveys the high concept, the tone, and core emotion of your premise, and does all this in one short sentence (or two).

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How to be Happy Working From Home as a Copywriter

How to be Happy Working From Home as a Copywriter

Writing is an art. It’s creative, thoughtful, and challenging. Never is that last part truer than when you’re stuck writing from home during a pandemic. If you’re struggling with writer’s block while working from home, here are a few suggestions for quick and easy ways to grease the wheels and get that creativity flowing again.

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How Writers Can Deal with Distractions

How Writers Can Deal with Distractions

Distractions have claimed hours from every writer. If you want to be prolific, you have to find a way past them. Here are some apps and strategies to supercharge your productivity.

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